Aleta Bussard Posted by Aleta Bussard
at 12-07-2020 20:49:32

Not a Rant or Rave, but too good not to share 😁😂.

We're doing OK here in Trinity County right now with COVID cases. We watch in horror as the rest of the country spikes.
So if you plan on vacationing at our rivers, lakes, or on our mountains this summer, I think you should know that red ants and bedbugs have infested hotels and motels across the area due to a wetter than usual spring. Mountain lions have eaten all domesticated animals and some smaller people. Rattlesnakes a…re biting willy nilly without warning. They have been caught eating cats and small dogs. The poison ivy has overtaken all other vegetation. We have had bear sightings at every park and town.
We have Bigfoots INVADING OUR PARKS and Porcupines "stabbing" small children should they dare to enter the forest. Skunks have made their way over and multiplied at unprecedented rates and wander the local campgrounds in packs. Murder hornets!?! We’ve got SHITLOADS of murder hornets. And I’m pretty sure all private tiger owners have released them into the streets of our cities and towns. Head lice now fly... right beside the bats.

So stay where you are, in your own city, state or county where it's safe!
Seriously, PLEASE DO NOT COME HERE... 🙅‍♀️🤚🚫