This mornings sermon hit me concerning something I am very prone to.
I am actually talking about Facebook, especially concerning Covid-19, BLM and the Social Justice Movement.
If anyone has noticed anything I have said concerning these things, you know what I believe about them.
...However, that really is not the point of why I am writing this.
My point is that these particular things have sucked up a lot of my time and in such a way, that they tend to suck up my joy that can only be met in Christ Jesus.
Is this you’re experience?
Do you spend as much time in reading the Bible and praying and singing His praises, as you do with things like these?
Do you filter everything through you’re knowledge of the Scriptures?
If you answered no to these questions; then like me you need to stop and turn those no’s into yes.
Perhaps you’re joy sucker is not Facebook. But never the less, they are joy suckers for you.
Turn you’re no’s into yes’s!
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