George Ifeanyi Posted by George Ifeanyi
at 14-06-2020 11:17:13

In 10 days there will be a Luciferian March in New York and many other states to call for A New World Order. Is America awake yet? Can you see what Satan is doing? He seeks to steal, kill, and destroy us. Have you considered that the enemy wants you to be so crippled with fear of Covid-19 that you hide in your home and isolate yourself from others? Have you considered that he is trying to divide us as a nation, black vs. white, republican vs. democrat, so that we will be so d...istracted fighting each other that we will not be fighting him, the real enemy?! So many people seem to think the only way we get justice is to protest, and riot, and change this law or elect someone new to office, but these are all weapons of our FLESH. As Christians we should understand that this is NOT a war we will win with carnal weapons. It is a spiritual battle! Will you join me for the next 10 days to pray for our nation? Will you pray and repent for personal sin and the collective sin of our nation? Will you pray for unity and reconciliation of Gods people? Will you pray against the devils plans to destroy our nation and establish his New World Order? The devil is hiding in plain sight, and so far, his plans seem to be working, but we can thwart the enemy’s plans with our unified prayers. They are our most powerful weapon. Will you pray with me? Your prayers are more powerful than you think, and the devil knows it!

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