Bart Hafeman Posted by Bart Hafeman
at 31-07-2020 19:43:40

It was a lighter night than usual at 13 Nights in the River due to Covid and people’s concerns about safety, $7. ticket charge on something that was traditionally free (due to loss of revenue from no beer garden this year) and our Hit Machine duo was a last minute fill in for a band that was on the schedule that could not attend because of Covid. All things considered it was an amazing beautiful night with the crowd at about 1/2 of usual capacity and honestly with Covid that’...s exactly what we were all shooting for so there was adequate spacing. The crowd was very gracious and I was on my acoustic the whole night bound to the stage instead of hi fiving people in the crowd. We are in a different time now as far as entertainment and we were all happy to play a low key show for St Helens... plus Brent Hollis from Pink Martini happened to be there and played drums all night... How cool is that?

📸 Johnny Payne

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